Welcome to my world!

   It's time to level up!!!

   Welcome to Dirt Bike Dad Academy! I'm Matt, a fellow rider with a passion for all things two          wheeled! (and four wheeled!) Whether you're new to the world of dirt bikes or a seasoned rider looking to up your game, this academy is a great place for everything you need to know about your bike! (or your kids bike!) 

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I am here to help you learn and grow

Knowledge is power! 

Hey there! I'm Matt Phinney. You should trust me as a mechanic and teacher because I bring years of hands on experience and a deep passion for all things mechanical, especially when it comes to dirt bikes! I have thousands of hours of technical and mechanical training over the course of the last 25 years. 

But beyond just being a skilled mechanic, I'm also a dedicated teacher. I understand that learning something new can be challenging, so I've made it my mission to break down complex concepts into easy-to-follow steps. My goal is to not just show you how to do something but to make sure that you understand WHY it works that way. This approach helps build your confidence and skills over time. 

As a Dirt Bike Dad myself, I know how important it is to have reliable, safe bikes for you and your kids. Thats why I am committed to sharing my knowledge in a way that's practical, accessible and grounded in real world experience. When you learn from me, you're not just getting a teacher but a mentor who's invested in your success both in the garage and on the trails! 

How you can improve your skills

It's easier than you think

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